CTU-UHB Intrapartum Cardiotocography Database.

The CTGs were recorded using STAN S31 (Neoventa Medical, Molndal, Sweden) and Avalon FM40 and FM50 (Philips Healthcare, Andover, MA). All CTG signals were stored in an electronic form in the OB TraceVue system (Philips) in a proprietary. Each CTG record contains time information and signal of fetal heart rate and uterine contractions sampled at 4 Hz.
From 9164 intrapartum recordings the final database of 552 carefully selected CTGs was created keeping in consideration clinical as well as technical point of view;
The clinical data include: delivery descriptors (presentation of fetus, type of delivery and length of first and second stage), neonatal outcome (seizures, intubation, etc.), fetal and neonatal descriptors (sex, gestational week, weight, etc.), and information about mother and possible risk factors. For the final CTU-UHB database clinical data were exported from relational database and converted into physionet text format.
The database is fully described in: Open access intrapartum CTG database.
Database files:
Types of arguments in the *.hea files:
Template of all arguments in the database *.hea files can be accessed: here
Format and software:
The database is prepared in physionet format. Fetal heart rate and uterine contractions are stored in binary files *.dat. Data format and clinical information are stored in text header files: *.hea. More information about physionet format and tools can be found at: physiobank-intro.
We provide a simple MATLAB scripts to read the database files. (The WFDB toolbox is no longer needed).